Tag: Sobriety

  • 3 Remarkable Changes That Occur When You’re Truly Ready to Overcome Addiction

    3 Remarkable Changes That Occur When You’re Truly Ready to Overcome Addiction

    These three remarkable changes of letting go of control, coming clean and living in genuine faith bring a new attitude and life experience, which can be summed up in this question:

  • The Most Misunderstood Recovery Slogan of Them All: One Day at A Time

    The Most Misunderstood Recovery Slogan of Them All: One Day at A Time

    The phrase ‘one day at a time’ is popular in 12-step recovery programs, but its true meaning can be misunderstood. It’s meant to focus on daily spiritual growth, not just staying sober. Relying on willpower alone may not lead to lasting change. Embracing each day with openness and purpose is the key to thriving in…

  • David Bowie Knew the Truth About Addiction

    David Bowie Knew the Truth About Addiction

    In 1999, music legend David Bowie gave a mind-blowing interview to former BBC Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman. Bowie’s progressive, postmodern, pluralistic view of the world was a tour de force to Paxman’s questions, almost prophetic-like in that he correctly predicted the impact of the internet on society and life. But his message on addiction and…

  • How to Escape Constant Cravings In Recovery

    How to Escape Constant Cravings In Recovery

    Addiction involves craving and obsession, but chronic relapsers experience a different, dangerous obsession leading to memory lapses and delusional thinking. Traditional methods focusing on sobriety often fail. Instead, taking practical, proactive measures to limit relapse opportunities and cultivating a present, selfless mindset can effectively tackle cravings and obsessions, promoting personal growth.

  • Why Jamie Lee Curtis’s Views on Addiction Will Make You a Better Person.

    Why Jamie Lee Curtis’s Views on Addiction Will Make You a Better Person.

    Life lessons, secrets and rock-solid faith. Oscar-winner Jamie Lee Curtis has had a distinguished career in the entertainment industry. Actor, producer and author, she has succeeded in all her endeavours. But her single most significant accomplishment isn’t her work. It’s overcoming a ten-year secret addiction to opiates and alcohol. If it weren’t for a Brazilian…

  • Still Living a Double Life in Addiction? Read This

    Still Living a Double Life in Addiction? Read This

    Why secrets and lies keep you stuck in relapse. My first sponsor in recovery knew I was in serious trouble. A cocaine and sex and love addict who could barely stay clean a week, blowing tens of thousands each time I relapsed — the writing was on the wall for me. ‘Just come clean with everyone and surrender,’…

  • Sober Celebrities That Fell Into The Sex And Love Trap

    Sober Celebrities That Fell Into The Sex And Love Trap

    From drink and drugs to sex and love. The entertainment industry, with its never-ending carousel of beautiful men and women and adoring love-struck fans, makes it a breeding ground for sex and love addiction. It’s why many recently recovered celebrities find themselves just as helpless and powerless to sex and love as they were with…

  • When Eric Clapton and Al Pacino Made This One Simple Change Addiction Became a Thing of The Past

    When Eric Clapton and Al Pacino Made This One Simple Change Addiction Became a Thing of The Past

    Clapton and Pacino, now clean and sober for multiple decades, are a far cry from their former selves. During the heady height of their careers in the 1970s, they were both so consumed with addiction that they could barely focus on their professional work.

  • The Deadly Addiction Trap That Gets Addicts Every Time

    The Deadly Addiction Trap That Gets Addicts Every Time

    Addiction is like a slippery slope that starts gently but eventually descends into a vertical drop that ends in a bottomless dark pit. However, there’s something sinister about this slippery slope. It’s also strangely sticky; you can’t get off it once you’re on it.

  • A Highly Unusual Approach To The Addiction Problem

    A Highly Unusual Approach To The Addiction Problem

    Why do we relapse? Why do we go back after all the promises, solemn oaths and daily hours of work to stay sober? It’s not that we can’t stop once we start (that’s old news; after all, that’s what qualifies us as addicts).

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