
A recovered chronic relapser helping other chronic relapsers recover when all else fails.

My journey in recovery was one of relentless chronic relapse.

And this was while working with therapists, psychiatrists and going to any lengths necessary in twelve-step programs.

I experienced countless rock bottoms. I lost count of the times I thought I’d had the rock bottom experience to end all rock bottoms.

But the real rock bottom wasn’t at the end of a relapse, feeling terrified and disgusted with myself for letting myself down again.

The real rock bottom was when I was sober.

The real rock bottom was knowing one hundred per cent that I would relapse again regardless of what I did.

Relapse wasn’t about ‘if’ it would happen but ‘when’ it would happen. And that when wasn’t up to me. I had no choice in the matter.

Amid this desperation, I met someone who showed me different angle to the addiction problem which gave me a new experience and a new approach to recovery.

If you find yourself in a similar situation to mine, working very hard in recovery yet still relapsing more than ever. Or lost in relapse and deadly afraid of another one.

I hope my work on this website will begin a new process with recovery that will guide you out of the grip of this fatal condition’s tyranny and transform this illness from a curse into a blessing.

~ DJ

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